Tuesday, November 24, 2009 12:14 AM
I'm so afraid of growing up.
I'm sick of all the things that come with growing up.
Take responsibility they say .
Your futures looking up .
So many different ways to live your life these days .

Guess, all I'm worried is the money problem.
Working my ass off.
Looking upon the slip of paper that make me smile at every end of the month.
This smile never last.
Mailbox will be the last in my mind to open it.
It always flooded out with envelops of bills!
What to do, we stay in Singapore.
Everything is all about money.
Even go public toilet, still have to pay.
I never seen other countries charging people for public toilet.

That why Singaporean are sad people.
Sad Face 1 Pictures, Images and Photos

Having my own family in future, HOLD A HUGE RESPONSIBILITY.
I going be my husband's wife,my kids' mom.
Can't imagine myself in that scenario.
And I have to learn to be one.

I already have a hard time cleaning my room, not to say doing house chores.
Among my sis and I, I use to be the lazy one.
Calling either of us to do the chores, I will vanish within blink.
So dear, don't look upon me.
But I'll try my best. :P

I need to pick up some life skills like cooking!
To me cooking "seem" easy, but when I want to get it done.I need some SOS.(usually is my sis)
Till now, I don't know roughly how much water do I need for my maggie.
It is either tasteless or dried up.

All I can say, I'm a lucky person.
Everything goes smoothly even till the age of 19.
Maybe is really what they call "happy go lucky".
In life, is really what they say "heng or sway".
But we should never neglect of working hard.
which I neglected the most.

So this mid semester test, I shall mug hard.. LOL!

Sunday, November 22, 2009 11:54 PM
My mister think I'm fat.
A friend of mine whom hasn't seen me for long think I grow fatter.
My moma say my face grow more meat.

I wore my jean. Pull it as high as I can just to button it up.
I'm really fat now.
I look at my chicken legs,

they fit my jean better. "Tighter" in that sense.
Feel happy about it.


When I bend down, I feel like crying...

Friday, November 20, 2009 4:26 PM
I need a Laptop Pouch!
My lovely Hugo implants huge"holes" to both of my laptop pouches!
I always been finding nice laptop pouches instead of the boring black rectangular kind.
It is not essential to me anymore,I left that few months in school:'(.
But one Laptop pouch make me gaga over it.


But is in vibrant lemonade YELLOW colour!
The design is effing cool!

It is designed with the concept of applying whimsical computer icons!
I absolutely love the colour!
If someone attempt to steal your laptop, you can spot it right away whether it is yours not.

They also have almost the same design for the camera pouch.

Unsure whether this Laptop pouch is launched yet.
Damn! I so going to get you!

Thursday, November 19, 2009 9:04 PM
Raining-School Skipped!
raining Pictures, Images and Photos
I feel so lonely today!
Boy,I miss you so:'(

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 7:12 PM
Getting sicker for school each day.
I feel that I'm getting lazy and lazier each day.
I woke up & in just
30 mins!
done preparing.(Usually I need an hour or 2 hours for me to prepare.)
You will be thinking what take you so long!

I spent roughly 20 mins to bath,5 mins to put liquid foundation, 20-30 mins on my eyes make up (Like wtf right?
I know.),10 sec to put blusher and in between I been walking around searching for clothes and stuffs which is a wastage of another 20-30 mins.

Bath 20 mins as usual.1 mins eyeliner & 5 mins in deciding what to wear.
I wear tank,short.
SHORT,TANK.almost everyday I can say.
So sian of thinking what to wear.
Summore is tedious to keep pairing those clothes. AND with the effort.Makeup is a
must to be on.
Now think back.
Everyone is wearing so shui bian, must as well be like them.At least I can sleep more...

If only I born with a pair of beautiful eyes and nicer skin tone.
All these can save me up lots of time.
I can go school without makeup and won't feel insecure about it.
How great!
I hate my eyes. I feel is distorted :(.
When I have the money, I hope to do something about it.

Without makeup and with.
You see what I mean about my eyes.

Seriously, makeup do wonders!
Sad for guys.
If u are not born with great features,there is nothing u can do about it. Unless you undergo cut or like some ah guas put some makeup.
For us girls.
Single eye lid we can paste it double.(Actually guys can do it too.)
Uneven skin tone, we can thoroughly paint it even.
And falsies!
They really define your eyes which most girls can't live without.

For girls with great skin and eyes.
You are real lucky!

Thursday, November 5, 2009 10:35 PM

I kept thinking about us.
We grew up together.
You were a boy when I met you.
Now you are at the stage of becoming a man.
All these while, times have been great.
In the past,I know how sad things can be.
But, I 'm glad to have you back.
Or else I will miss a great guy like you.
A guy that can truly love me with all his heart.
Giving up his dream just to be with me.
You never say a word " tired ",
just to spend your time to the fullest with me.
How anxious you look when I feel unwell.
You look kind of over react but you know ..
every moment like this, my heart is smiling.
And I feel I can have my lifetime depend on you.
I'm your thorns yet your rose.
You never once give up on me.
I promise a forever in return.


Our book of story has just begun...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 12:28 AM

Love this little dude to the coremax.
Everyone who knows him think he is a comedian.
And Hugo.
Stop peeing out of the aim...

:( 4 more days...

Monday, November 2, 2009 10:11 PM

I felt a huge surge of relief and happiness having you around.
Every slight gesture you made wrapped me love.
If you aren't there, I feel my life miss a part.
That is how much you meant to me.

That boy who loves me more than anything.
I gottan miss you so hard:'(

5 days.

I blog to express, not to impress.

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